Cavers Dave Ryall, Peter Sykes
Date/time entered Wed 29 May 24 — 03:20 2024-05-29 03:20
Date/time exited Wed 29 May 24 — 07:20 2024-05-29 07:20
Trip type Sport
Region Yorkshire Dales
Country United Kingdom
Clubs Bradford Pothole Club

We were supposed to leave earlier around 9 but I was so tired from little sleep and Dave Ryall had the GG lurgey so we both went back to sleep for a bit.

A quick trip down stream, before my marshalling shift, with Pete (the caving whore) and Dave Ryall. Took some photos at the bottom of stream in the shower area. Got very wet and cold. Dave kept asking me to kneel down in awkward places which was rather uncomfortable with my ingrown toenail. Rushed to the T junction and got there very early (12:45). Decided to go to the traverse in South east pot and take some more photos. This time Pete was the model. He looked a bit grumpy in the photos.

At some point my elbow pad fell off. Never to be found again, probably has fallen down a hole somewhere between stream and the T junction.

I parted ways with Pete and Dave here. I went solo back to main chamber. I ran into two cavers during the crawl back. Stuart something. He was a bit sexist as the first thing he asked me was whose wife are you 🙄. I plodded on to main chamber and arrived 40 minutes early for my shift. I had to wait around in the cold and ended up seriously cold by the end of my shift.