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Gaping Gill via Stream Passage Pot and Small Mammal

Gracie · May 18, 2024, 12:01 p.m. 2 people · 2 hours and 34 minutes
Cavers John Worden
Date/time entered Sat 18 May 24 — 12:01 2024-05-18 12:01
Date/time exited Sat 18 May 24 — 14:35 2024-05-18 14:35
Trip type Sport
Region Yorkshire Dales
Country United Kingdom
Clubs Bradford Pothole Club

The third trip of the day and I was a bit tired, but excited to get another trip in.

The walk over to the entrance was stunning, and we ran into the NPC members we had seen underground earlier in the day. Stream is a fantastic cave, and has some really nice pitches. Some of the pitch heads are a bit awkward, and look awkward to rig. We were very quickly down. We made our way through to sand caverns and John only went slightly wrong once. He pointed out a wrong way he had previously taken, when he had intended to take someone on what was supposed to have been an easy trip and instead ended up in a grovelly passage for ages, before realising they had gone the wrong way back up on the surface while in the pub.

The passages started off nice and clean washed, and then got rather muddy. With some quite slippy sections. We climbed up a few wrong sandy slopes in sand cavern, and soon we were back at the T junction, left to main chamber or onwards to bar, etc.

We made very good speed through the cobbly crawls, practically running through them. John is surprisingly good at stooping passages, for being tall. We stopped at the bottom of south east pitch to catch our breaths and chatted about our stories involving the pitch.

I wasn’t so fast prussiking out as I was knackered. I had to attach my jammers for the greasy slab as it was so greasy, and progress was slow and not very graceful. There is a bedding plane crawl back through to the pitch at small mammal and John went the tighter route, I followed him until I realised there was an easier way. Honestly bar pot would probably have been nicer. Our poor SRT kits screeched as they dragged against the rock.

The sunshine was glorious as we exited.