It was supposed to be an easy trip as I was bruised after doing 4 entrances yesterday. Kevin suggested we do Marilyn to take some photos and come out the winch, which sounded easy enough.
The first pitches are a little snug, and then it opens up. They have been rebolted in different places, which Kevin did not like at all. We made our way to the bottom of disappointment, stopping to pose a few times along the way. Kevin kept pointing out things to me, most of which I’ve already forgotten.
We took some photos with people going up the ladder, which was a bit scary as the ladder looks rather old. We then went to the blowhole, which is a very small hole with a draft leading to far reaches of the system, far country and far waters. I crawled into it so Kevin could take some photos, the water was high until I bailed it. The crawl to the blowhole hurt.
I asked Kevin if there were any better routes to main chamber that were softer on the knees. Kevin suggested Mud Henslers, with an evil smile on his face. I soon found out why.
We arrived at the bottom of the Hensler’s pitches, and the others continued on into mud hanslers while I had a quick wee. This then meant I had to do it alone, it was very wet and very muddy, but was still harsh on the knees. Flat out at points, mostly crawling. At one point I thought I must have done the wrong way as the air space reduced a lot, I shouted ahead and Matt wasn’t far up ahead, he confirmed it was the right way indeed. I somehow had caught up with them. I tilted my head sideways and awkwardly shuffled through trying to keep my face out the water. I hadn’t tested the waterproof phone case that my phone was in around my neck yet, but I would find out soon it was indeed waterproof. It was horribly muddy. Finally after what felt like ages we emerged. I was knackered.
Mud hall is massive! I asked Matt if I needed cowstails and he said no. I wish I’d not listened to him as it was a muddy and slippery handline traverse around what looked like a massive black hole, but what was around a 30m drop. I got down on my knees and they kept slipping down towards the hole as I clung onto the rope cursing Matt.
Soon it was over and eventually after some more up and down, crawling and short climbs, we arrived back at the main chamber. Just in time for my 4pm chawaller shift (tea/coffee/soup maker for the winch operators). I was so muddy and I had a shower under the main chamber waterfall, and then again while on the surface under the warm winch engine water. It was lovely, and I managed to wash all the mud out of my hair.
Hehehe! The very one. He’s living his best life up at the winch meet. A much better life than he did in the craven window. Go onto the bar pot trip I’ll upload some photos.
— by Gracie, 9 months, 2 weeks ago