Photo upload feature added
Andrew Northall, 1 year, 9 months agoThe ability to add photos to trips has been added! Once you've created a trip, simply select the 'photos' page from the sidebar (or top menu on mobile) to access the upload page. An unlimited amount of photos can be added to each trip, with a maximum size of 10 megabytes per photo.
Once uploaded, the photos will be visible to anyone who can view the trip and to your friends in the social feed. If you don't want this, you can make photos private on a per-trip basis. The option to do this is located below the upload dialogue on the trip photos page.
Photos that have been added to the trip will appear on the main page for the trip and a caption can be added via the 'edit' button. You can delete photos individually via the main trip page, or delete all photos for a specific trip via the trip photos page. The photos are ordered by the time that they were taken — starting with the oldest first.
For a demonstration of the photos feature, why not have a look at my through trip from Cueto to Coventosa a few months ago?